What Rhymes With Extricable?

We found 14 words that rhyme with Extricable. Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.

Rhyme Len. Syllables PoS
Unpracticable 13 5 noun
Impracticable 13 5 noun
Despicable 10 4 noun
Duplicable 10 4 noun
Amicable 8 4 noun
Inapplicable 12 5 noun
Intoxicable 11 5 noun
Inextricable 12 5 noun
Trafficable 11 4 noun
Medicable 9 4 noun
Inexplicable 12 5 noun
Immedicable 11 5 noun
Explicable 10 4 noun
Domesticable 12 5 noun
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