What Rhymes With Independent?

We found 13 words that rhyme with Independent. Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.

Rhyme Len. Syllables PoS
Transcendent 12 3 adjective satellite
Superintendent 14 5 noun
Superintendant 14 5 noun
Splendent 9 2 noun
Resplendent 11 3 adjective satellite
Pendant 7 2 noun, adjective satellite
Interdependent 14 5 adjective satellite
Descendent 10 3 noun, adjective satellite
Descendant 10 3 noun, adjective satellite
Dependent 9 3 adjective satellite, adjective, noun
Defendant 9 3 noun
Attendant 9 3 noun, adjective satellite
Ascendant 9 3 adjective satellite, noun
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