What Rhymes With Abby?

We found 18 words that rhyme with Abby. Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.

Rhyme Len. Syllables PoS
Abbe 4 2 noun
Abie 4 2 noun
Gaby 4 2 noun
Kabi 4 2 noun
Abbey 5 2 noun
Abbie 5 2 noun
Cabby 5 2 noun
Gabby 5 2 adjective satellite
Mabee 5 2 noun
Mabie 5 2 noun
Tabby 5 2 noun, adjective satellite
Arabie 6 3 noun
Cabbie 6 2 noun
Crabby 6 2 adjective satellite
Flabby 6 2 adjective satellite
Mcabee 6 3 noun
Scabby 6 2 adjective satellite
Shabby 6 2 adjective satellite
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