Homophones For D's
Here are random homophones to get you started! We found 5 homophones for d's
Homophones For D's
What are Homonyms?
A homonym is each word of two or more that have the same pronunciation, but different spellings, meanings, origins, etc.
What are Homophones?
Homophones are a type of homonym where each word has the same sound.
Homophone examples
- AD and ADD
- LEFT (directional) and LEFT (departed)
- MEAN (not nice) and MEAN (defined)
What are Homographs?
A homograph is word or words that have the same spelling, but different sounds (or same).
Homograph examples
- LIE (deceive) and LIE (lie down)
- TEAR (rip) and TEAR (tear drop)
- READ (read a book) and READ (pronounced "RED" a book)
- LIVE (presently living) and LIVE (as in LIVE SHOW)