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The Meaning of sycamore

  • (n.) A large tree (Ficus Sycomorus) allied to the common fig. It is found in Egypt and Syria, and is the sycamore, or sycamine, of Scripture.
  • (n.) The American plane tree, or buttonwood.
  • (n.) A large European species of maple (Acer Pseudo-Platanus).


scottish maple , lacewood , platan , great maple , plane tree , sycamore fig , mulberry fig


aancor , abhor , accor , ador , adore , albacore , antiwar , anymore , ardmore , armentor , ashore , backdoor , balthazor , baltimore , bangalore , bangor , barrymore , bator , baur , before , boar , boer , bogor , bohr , bookstore , bore , borre , c4 , carnivore , cat-4 , cavalli-sfor , centaur , chore , claymore , clore , coar , cohr , commodore , cor , core , corps , corr , crore , damore , decor , delore , deplore , devor , dinosaur , dior , doerr , dohr , door , dore , dorr , drawer , drugstore , ecuador , el-salvador , elnore , elsinore , encore , espectador , evermore , explore , eyesore , faure , floor , folklore , for , fore , four , frore , furthermore , gabor , galore , glor , glore , goar , gore , gorr , guarantor , hardcore , herbivore , heretofore , hoar , hoare , hors , humidor , ignore , igor , implore , indoor , inshore , jacor , jambor , kenmore , knorr , kohr , labore , labrador , lahore , lakeshore , lamaur , laur , laure , lazor , lenore , livermore , livor , loar , loehr , lohr , longcor , longshore , lor , lore , m4 , matador , mazor , melor , mentor , meritor , mevacor , mohr , montefiore , montemayor , moore , more , morr , nevermore , ngor , nohr , nor , oar , offshore , ohr , oncor , onshore , or , ore , orr , outdoor , outpour , outscore , paramore , phosphor , por , pore , porr , postwar , pour , prewar , rapport , restore , roar , roehr , rohr , salvador , salvatore , san-salvador , saur , schnorr , schor , schorr , scor , score , seashore , sedor , senor , shor , shore , singapore , snore , soar , sophomore , sor , sore , sotomayor , spaur , splore , spore , stevedore , stoehr , stohr , store , storr , swarthmore , swore , tambocor , tenore , theodore , therefor , therefore , thor , timor , tor , tore , torr , torre , tracor , troubadour , underscore , uproar , villasenor , vore , war , warr , whore , woehr , wor , wore , yore , your