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The Meaning of slog

  • (verb) strike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat; "He slugged me so hard that I passed out"
  • (verb) walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud; "Mules plodded in a circle around a grindstone"
  • (verb) work doggedly or persistently; "She keeps plugging away at her dissertation"


acog , agog , analog , analogue , backlog , bog , brogue , bulldog , bullfrog , catalogue , clague , clog , cog , dague , demagogue , dialogue , dog , eggnog , epilogue , flog , fog , fogg , frog , frogg , frogge , grog , grogg , groundhog , gulag , haag , haug , hedgehog , hertzog , hog , hogg , hogge , hotdog , jog , krog , lague , leapfrog , log , maag , metagogue , mogg , monologue , og , ogg , parag , pirog , plog , pog , prague , prolog , rogge , sandhog , scrog , skog , smog , synagogue , tagalog , tague , togue , travelogue , underdog , waag , watchdog , waterlog , zaugg , zogg