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The Meaning of secretary

  • (n.) One who keeps, or is intrusted with, secrets.
  • (n.) A person employed to write orders, letters, dispatches, public or private papers, records, and the like; an official scribe, amanuensis, or writer; one who attends to correspondence, and transacts other business, for an association, a public body, or an individual.
  • (n.) An officer of state whose business is to superintend and manage the affairs of a particular department of government, and who is usually a member of the cabinet or advisory council of the chief executive; as, the secretary of state, who conducts the correspondence and attends to the relations of a government with foreign courts; the secretary of the treasury, who manages the department of finance; the secretary of war, etc.
  • (n.) A piece of furniture, with conveniences for writing and for the arrangement of papers; an escritoire.
  • (n.) The secretary bird.


adversary , aerie , airey , airy , alarie , ameri , ancillary , apothecary , arbitrary , arie , ary , asbury , auberry , aviary , azeri , balistreri , banbury , barberi , barey , barillari , barre , barrie , barry , beneficiary , berrey , berri , berrie , berry , bicentenary , blackberry , blueberry , bollettieri , boveri , bradberry , bradbury , buccheri , budgetary , bury , cadbury , camilleri , canary , canterbury , canzoneri , capillary , carey , carie , carrey , carrie , carry , cary , cassowary , cautionary , cemetery , centenary , cheri , cherie , cherry , chery , clary , cometary , commentary , commissary , concessionary , confectionary , confectionery , constabulary , contemporary , contrary , corollary , coronary , counterrevolutionary , cranberry , culinary , curreri , customary , dairy , deflationary , depositary , derry , dery , dewberry , dictionary , dietary , dignitary , disciplinary , discretionary , disinflationary , dispensary , diversionary , dogberry , dromedary , dubarry , dysentery , emissary , epistolary , estuary , evolutionary , exclusionary , expeditionary , extraordinary , eyrie , fairey , fairy , feb , february , ferreri , ferri , ferrie , ferry , fery , fiduciary , formulary , fragmentary , francesmary , frary , functionary , funerary , gadberry , garry , gary , gerri , gerrie , gerry , gery , glary , glengarry , gooseberry , granberry , guarneri , hackberry , hairy , hanberry , hanbury , harry , hereditary , herry , honorary , huckleberry , illusionary , imaginary , inflationary , interdisciplinary , interplanetary , involuntary , itinerary , january , jere , jeri , jerri , jerrie , jerry , judiciary , kairey , kari , karry , kary , kerrey , kerri , kerry , kilbury , lapidary , laprairie , larry , lary , legendary , library , literary , londonderry , luminary , marry , mary , maseri , mauceri , maugeri , mcclary , mccrary , mcgarry , mcnary , mcquerry , mcsherry , mercenary , merrie , merry , metairie , middlebury , military , missionary , moceri , momentary , monastery , monetary , mooberry , mortuary , mulberry , nary , necessary , neri , newberry , newbery , newbury , noninflationary , nonmilitary , obituary , omary , ordinary , oteri , palmieri , palminteri , paramilitary , parry , pecuniary , perry , pituitary , planetary , plumeri , prairie , preliminary , primary , probationary , proprietary , prosperi , pulmonary , pusateri , quaternary , querry , raineri , raneri , ranieri , raspberry , reactionary , recarey , recessionary , remarry , revolutionary , rosemary , salutary , sanctuary , sanitary , savagery , scary , secondary , sedentary , semilegendary , seminary , serry , sherrie , sherry , shrewsbury , silveri , simsbury , skerry , soleri , solitary , sperry , spiteri , stanberry , stanbury , stary , stationary , stationery , statuary , sterry , strawberry , subsidiary , sudberry , sudbury , sunseri , tagliaferri , tarry , temporary , teri , terri , terry , tertiary , tiberi , tilbury , tipperary , topiary , tributary , undersecretary , unitary , unnecessary , unsanitary , unwary , urinary , vary , verri , verry , very , veterinary , visionary , vocabulary , wary , waterbury , werry , wery , wherry , woodbury , yeiri