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The Meaning of review

  • (n.) To view or see again; to look back on.
  • (n.) To go over and examine critically or deliberately.
  • (n.) To reconsider; to revise, as a manuscript before printing it, or a book for a new edition.
  • (n.) To go over with critical examination, in order to discover exellences or defects; hence, to write a critical notice of; as, to review a new novel.
  • (n.) To make a formal or official examination of the state of, as troops, and the like; as, to review a regiment.
  • (n.) To reexamine judically; as, a higher court may review the proceedings and judgments of a lower one.
  • (n.) To retrace; to go over again.
  • (v. i.) To look back; to make a review.
  • (n.) A second or repeated view; a reexamination; a retrospective survey; a looking over again; as, a review of one's studies; a review of life.
  • (n.) An examination with a view to amendment or improvement; revision; as, an author's review of his works.
  • (n.) A critical examination of a publication, with remarks; a criticism; a critique.
  • (n.) A periodical containing critical essays upon matters of interest, as new productions in literature, art, etc.
  • (n.) An inspection, as of troops under arms or of a naval force, by a high officer, for the purpose of ascertaining the state of discipline, equipments, etc.
  • (n.) The judicial examination of the proceedings of a lower court by a higher.
  • (n.) A lesson studied or recited for a second time.


reappraisal , revaluation , reassessment , critique , critical review , review article , follow-up , followup , reexamination , limited review , revue , recapitulation , recap , brushup , inspection , reexamine , critique , go over , survey , brush up , refresh , look back , retrospect


abou , abreu , accrue , adieu , ado , aircrew , amadou , anew , askew , avenue , babu , baku , ballyhoo , bamboo , barbecue , barbeque , bartholomew , bbq , bellevue , bellew , belyeu , benhamou , beu , bleu , blew , blue , boo , breakthrough , breaux , brew , broadview , brue , bugaboo , bukavu , byu , c2 , canoe , caribou , cashew , cat-2 , cebu , chaloux , champoux , chengdu , chew , chiu , choo , chou , chough , clue , cockatoo , codrescu , coo , corkscrew , cortelyou , cou , coup , coups , coutu , crew , crewe , cuckoo , cue , deblois , debut , decou , depardieu , depew , depue , deux , devalue , devereux , dew , dfw , do , drew , dru , du , due , egnew , emu , ensue , eschew , ewe , fairview , fescue , feverfew , few , fitzhugh , flew , flu , flue , fondue , fontainebleau , foo , fourtou , frew , frueh , geroux , gignoux , giroux , glenview , glue , gnu , goo , goodhue , goto , grandview , graue , grew , grewe , gu , gue , gumshoe , guru , hairdo , heroux , heugh , hew , hewe , hindu , hitherto , honeydew , hoo , hoogh , hoopoe , horseshoe , hsu , hu , hue , hugh , hullabaloo , hutu , iliescu , imbue , ingenue , interview , into , iou , isu , jammu , jamu , jew , joo , ju , jue , jujitsu , jus , kalamazoo , kangaroo , karlsruhe , katmandu , kazoo , ketou , kew , khoo , khufu , khuu , knew , komatsu , koo , kotzebue , kourou , kwangju , lakeview , laroux , larue , ledoux , lemieux , leroux , leu , lew , lhommedieu , lieu , liou , liu , long-overdue , longview , loo , lou , louw , loux , lu , lue , lulu , m2 , mailloux , manu , marabou , marcou , marcoux , marrou , mccue , mchugh , mcknew , mcnew , meiyuh , mew , mildew , misconstrue , miscue , mobutu , montagu , montague , moo , mu , nangaku , nehru , netanyahu , neveu , new , nu , ooh , oooh , ou , outdo , outgrew , overdo , overdue , overview , papandreou , pas-de-deux , peru , peugh , pew , phew , phu , plainview , plew , plue , pompidou , poo , pooh , pou , preview , pru , prue , prugh , pu , pugh , purdue , pursue , purview , q , qu , que , queue , ragu , ramu , ratu , redo , rendezvous , renew , residue , retinue , reto , revalue , revenue , revue , rew , rhew , rhue , richelieu , rioux , roux , rue , schewe , schoo , schou , schue , schuh , screw , seiyaku , seydoux , shampoo , shamu , shew , shiu , shoe , shoo , shrew , shue , siew , sioux , skew , slew , snowshoe , soo , sough , spew , sprue , statue , stew , strew , stu , stuewe , subdue , sue , suu , taboo , taku , tattoo , tatu , tew , thew , threw , through , thru , thuy , tieu , timbuktu , tiramisu , tissue , to , tobu , too , toyoo , treu , trew , trieu , troyu , true , true-view , tue , tutu , two , u , undo , undue , unglue , untrue , urdu , uwe , vanlue , vanuaaku , view , voodoo , vu , vue , wahoo , waterloo , wenzhou , whay-yu , whew , who , withdrew , woo , wu , xu , xue , yahoo , yew , you , yu , yue , zaibatsu , zanu , zhou , zhu , zoo , zooplasty , zue , zulu , zungu