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The Meaning of outlaw

  • (n.) A person excluded from the benefit of the law, or deprived of its protection.
  • (v. t.) To deprive of the benefit and protection of law; to declare to be an outlaw; to proscribe.
  • (v. t.) To remove from legal jurisdiction or enforcement; as, to outlaw a debt or claim; to deprive of legal force.


criminal , felon , crook , malefactor , criminalize , criminalise , illegalize , illegalise , illegitimate , illicit , outlawed , unlawful , lawless


legalize , decriminalize , decriminalise


ah , aha , ahh , albaugh , allbaugh , alpaugh , alspaugh , alvah , anspaugh , arkansas , artois , aw , awe , baccarat , backsaw , bah , baja , bashaw , baugh , bedstraw , beffa , bekaa , blah , bogota , bois , bourgeois , bra , brisbois , bylaw , carnaud , caw , cha , chainsaw , chargois , chaw , chickasaw , chihuahua , chippewa , chua , chutzpah , claw , colaw , coleslaw , contois , craugh , craw , da , dabah , dada , daw , dawe , deja , denwa , dewclaw , doha , draw , dubois , duboise , dumas , elga , esau , fatah , fermata , flaw , foresaw , francois , francoise , ga , gaugh , gaw , glawe , gnaw , grandpa , gras , gravois , graw , grawe , grimshaw , guffaw , ha , hacksaw , hah , handsaw , harnois , haugh , haw , hawe , hoopla , hsia , hurrah , hwa , inlaw , ja , jaw , jha , jigsaw , joie , ka , kah , kinlaw , krah , la , laframboise , lavoie , law , loblaw , ma , macaw , macgraw , mackinaw , markkaa , marois , maw , mccaa , mccaw , mccraw , mcgaw , mcgraw , mother-in-law , murrah , na , nah , naw , ocaw , olah , omaha , ona , overdraw , pa , panama , pasha , paugh , paw , pla , qua , quebecois , ra , rah , rauh , raw , rawe , redraw , refah , rha , sa , saginaw , salois , sanaa , saugh , saw , schwa , scrimshaw , seesaw , seraw , sha , shah , shaw , sirois , slaugh , slaw , spa , spaugh , spaw , squaw , straw , suhua , ta , thaw , thraw , traugh , trois , utah , valois , vaugh , voila , vrba , wa , waah , wah , warsaw , waugh , whipsaw , wichita , withdraw , ya , yah , yaw , zsa