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The Meaning of injector

  • (n.) One who, or that which, injects.
  • (n.) A contrivance for forcing feed water into a steam boiler by the direct action of the steam upon the water. The water is driven into the boiler by the impulse of a jet of the steam which becomes condensed as soon as it strikes the stream of cold water it impels; -- also called Giffard's injector, from the inventor.


collector , connecter , connector , decter , defector , derecktor , detector , director , ector , erector , fechter , hector , inspector , lecter , lector , nectar , objector , prechter , projector , prospector , protector , rector , reflector , schechter , schecter , schlechter , sector , specter , spector , spectre , transtector , vector , wechter