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The Meaning of brose

  • (n.) Pottage made by pouring some boiling liquid on meal (esp. oatmeal), and stirring it. It is called beef brose, water brose, etc., according to the name of the liquid (beef broth, hot water, etc.) used.




alagoas , ambrose , arose , beaus , bestows , blose , blows , boase , boes , bongos , bose , boulos , bowes , bows , boze , bulldoze , chose , close , clothes , compose , cose , cowes , crose , crows , croze , decompose , demos , depose , disclose , dispose , dominoes , dominos , doze , dubose , duclos , eaux , enclose , eskimos , expose , fallows , foes , foreclose , froze , ghose , glows , gloze , goes , goghs , gose , grose , groseclose , grows , hose , impose , interpose , joes , jos , juxtapose , klose , knows , kroes , kroeze , loews , logos , lowes , lows , meadows , melrose , misdiagnose , moes , mose , ngos , noes , nose , ohs , ooohs , oppose , ose , overexpose , owes , pharos , pose , pows , predispose , presuppose , primrose , propose , pros , prose , rainbows , reimpose , repos , repose , rockrose , rohs , rose , rowes , rows , shadows , slows , snows , sows , stavros , studios , superimpose , suppose , tempos , those , throes , throws , toes , tomorrows , tows , transpose , troas , yoes