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The Meaning of bravura

  • (n.) A florid, brilliant style of music, written for effect, to show the range and flexibility of a singer's voice, or the technical force and skill of a performer; virtuoso music.


alura , amdura , azura , badura , bonaventura , bonura , bujumbura , chmura , chura , coloratura , contura , crura , datura , dura , euro , gura , imamura , inamura , ishikura , jura , kawamura , kimura , kitamura , komura , lura , midura , mitamura , miura , moura , mura , nakamura , nishimura , nomenklatura , nomura , nuraghe , okamura , okumura , pleura , pura , sakura , segura , skura , sura , surah , takemura , vancura , ventura