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The Meaning of agitate

  • (v. t.) To move with a violent, irregular action; as, the wind agitates the sea; to agitate water in a vessel.
  • (v. t.) To move or actuate.
  • (v. t.) To stir up; to disturb or excite; to perturb; as, he was greatly agitated.
  • (v. t.) To discuss with great earnestness; to debate; as, a controversy hotly agitated.
  • (v. t.) To revolve in the mind, or view in all its aspects; to contrive busily; to devise; to plot; as, politicians agitate desperate designs.


fight , wake , fire up , commove , turn on , shake up , ignite , shake , rouse , disturb , vex , stir , campaign , excite , stir up , inflame , charge , shift , instigate , foment , raise up , press , incite , charge up , crusade , set off , push , budge , heat , trip out , institutionalize , trip , level , depend upon , get off , commit , rout out , blame , appoint , wake up , load , energise , point , stimulate , consign , hinge on , arouse , drive out , sex , buck , saddle , accuse , institutionalise , tear , lodge , ride , depend on , bill , file , devolve on , hinge upon , energize , bestir , waken , bear down , wind up , shoot down , awaken , burden , shoot , force out , send , switch on , tug , iron out , press out , crowd , run , advertize , adjure , urge on , weight-lift , promote , compress , urge , struggle , oppose , entreat , contend , beseech , contract , iron , defend , fight back , squeeze , compact , bear on , drive , exhort , labor , force , bid , fight down , take the field , weigh , conjure , constrict , advertise , weightlift , labour , touch , put forward , transfer , tilt , call down , switch , bring up , conjure up , reposition , invoke , raise , pitch , lurch , call forth , change over , careen , wobble , dislodge , evoke , change , escape from , judder , sway , rock , throw off , didder , shake off , succuss , stick , perplex , get , nark , irritate , mystify , flummox , bother , rile , gravel , nonplus , reorganise , get to , dumbfound , reorganize , interrupt , nettle , baffle , chafe , get at , trouble , beat , fluff up , amaze , annoy , bump around , upset , jar , puzzle , bewilder , rag , stupefy , worry , plump up , pose , devil , quake , shiver , totter , brandish , joggle , quaver , shudder , tremble , flap , jolt , quiver , vibrate , fluctuate , jounce , reel , swing , wave , flutter , oscillate , thrill , waver , provoke


quieten , tranquilize , lull , calm down , tranquillize , calm , quiet , tranquillise , still


abate , abbreviate , abdicate , abrogate , accelerate , acclimate , accommodate , accumulate , acetate , activate , actuate , adequate , adjudicate , administrate , adulate , adulterate , advocate , affiliate , agglomerate , agglutinate , aggravate , alienate , alleviate , allocate , alternate , aluminosilicate , amalgamate , ameliorate , amputate , angulate , animate , annihilate , annotate , anticipate , antiquate , appellate , appreciate , appropriate , approximate , arbitrate , arrogate , articulate , asphyxiate , aspirate , assassinate , assimilate , associate , ate , attenuate , authenticate , automate , await , aydt , backdate , bait , bate , beit , belate , berate , bifurcate , blate , boilerplate , breastplate , calculate , calibrate , captivate , carafate , carbohydrate , carbonate , castigate , castrate , cate , celebrate , chait , cheapskate , checkmate , chlorinate , circulate , circumnavigate , classmate , coagulate , cogenerate , cogitate , collaborate , collate , commemorate , commiserate , communicate , commutate , compensate , complicate , concatenate , concentrate , condensate , confederate , confiscate , conflate , congratulate , congregate , conjugate , consecrate , constipate , consummate , contaminate , contemplate , cooperate , coordinate , copulate , correlate , corroborate , corrugate , counterweight , crate , create , crenelate , cross-pollinate , culminate , cultivate , date , deactivate , debate , debilitate , decaffeinate , decapitate , decelerate , decimate , decontaminate , decorate , dedicate , deflate , degenerate , delegate , deliberate , delineate , demodulate , demonstrate , denigrate , denominate , depopulate , deprecate , depreciate , desecrate , desegregate , designate , desolate , deteriorate , determinate , detonate , devaluate , devastate , deviate , dichromate , dictate , differentiate , dilapidate , dilate , discriminate , disinflate , disintegrate , disseminate , dissipate , distillate , domesticate , dominate , donate , downstate , duplicate , educate , effectuate , eight , ejaculate , elaborate , elate , electroplate , elevate , eliminate , elucidate , emaciate , emanate , emancipate , emasculate , emigrate , emirate , emulate , encapsulate , enumerate , enunciate , equate , equivocate , eradicate , escalate , est , estate , estimate , evacuate , evaluate , evaporate , eviscerate , exacerbate , exaggerate , exasperate , excavate , excommunicate , excoriate , exhilarate , exonerate , expatriate , expiate , explicate , expropriate , extenuate , exterminate , extirpate , extortionate , extrapolate , extricate , fabricate , facilitate , fait , fascinate , fate , featherweight , federate , felicitate , fete , fixate , flagellate , floodgate , fluctuate , foliate , formulate , frate , freight , frustrate , fulminate , fumigate , gait , gastrulate , gate , geminate , generate , germinate , gestate , glaciate , glutamate , graduate , grate , gravitate , great , gyrate , haight , hait , halogenate , hate , heavyweight , hesitate , hibernate , humiliate , hundredweight , hydrate , hydrogenate , hyphenate , illustrate , imitate , immigrate , immolate , impersonate , implicate , impregnate , inactivate , inadequate , incapacitate , incarcerate , incarnate , incinerate , incorporate , incriminate , incubate , inculcate , indicate , inebriate , infatuate , infiltrate , inflate , infuriate , ingratiate , initiate , inmate , innate , innovate , inoculate , inseminate , instantiate , instigate , insubordinate , insulate , integrate , interpolate , interrelate , interrogate , interstate , intimate , intimidate , intoxicate , intrastate , inundate , invalidate , invertebrate , investigate , irate , irradiate , irrigate , irritate , isocyanate , isolate , italianate , judicate , kate , krait , kuwait , lacerate , laminate , lanceolate , late , latinate , legislate , leight , levitate , leyte , liberate , lightweight , liquidate , litigate , locate , lubricate , m-8 , magistrate , magnate , mandate , manipulate , marinate , masturbate , mate , mccreight , mcfate , mediate , medicate , meditate , menstruate , methotrexate , middleweight , migrate , militate , misallocate , misappropriate , miscalculate , misstate , mithridate , mitigate , moderate , motivate , mutate , mutilate , nameplate , narrate , nate , nauseate , navigate , necessitate , negate , negotiate , nitrate , nominate , obfuscate , oblate , obligate , obliterate , obviate , officiate , operate , orchestrate , originate , ornate , oscillate , outdate , overate , overestimate , overrate , overregulate , overstate , overweight , oxygenate , pait , paperweight , participate , pate , penetrate , percolate , perforate , permeate , permutate , perpetrate , perpetuate , plait , plate , playmate , pollinate , polychlorinate , pontificate , populate , postdate , postulate , potentate , prate , precipitate , predate , predicate , predominate , prefabricate , prelate , premeditate , primate , probate , procrastinate , procreate , profligate , prognosticate , proliferate , propagate , prorate , prostate , punctate , punctuate , radiate , rait , rate , reactivate , rebate , recalculate , recapitulate , reciprocate , recreate , recriminate , recuperate , redecorate , rededicate , reeducate , reevaluate , reflate , reformulate , refrigerate , regenerate , regulate , regurgitate , rehabilitate , reincarnate , reincorporate , reinstate , reintegrate , reinvigorate , reiterate , rejuvenate , relate , relegate , remediate , remunerate , renegotiate , renominate , renovate , renunciate , repatriate , replicate , repudiate , reregulate , resonate , restate , resuscitate , retaliate , roommate , rotate , ruminate , salivate , sate , saturate , schoolmate , sedate , segregate , separate , serrate , shipmate , shoemate , shumate , silicate , silverplate , simulate , situate , skate , slate , solid-state , sophisticate , southgate , spate , speculate , speight , stagnate , stalemate , state , stimulate , stipulate , straight , strait , strangulate , subjugate , subordinate , substantiate , substrate , suffocate , sulfate , sulphate , surrogate , syncopate , syndicate , tabulate , tailgate , tait , taite , taitt , tate , teammate , teate , terminate , tesselate , titanate , titillate , tolerate , trait , translate , tri-state , truncate , unaffiliate , unallocate , uncompensate , uncomplicate , underestimate , underrate , understate , underweight , undulate , update , upstate , urinate , vacillate , vegetate , venerate , ventilate , vertebrate , wait , waite , waitt , watergate , wayt , weight , welterweight